Online Demo Zoom (D) Crinoline Sealing GMT 5pm - 7pm Thurs 6th March
Demo Crinoline Sealing (D) 5pm- 7pm GMT Thursday 6th March 2025 2 hours
Online Demonstration via Zoom £75.00
Course tutor, Denise Innes-Spencer is an experienced qualified teacher and a regular staff writer for ‘The Hat Magazine’. She is creative director and founder of The British School of Millinery and recently co-founded of The British Millinery Association.
This two-hour demonstration is designed to make you fall back in love with crinoline.
Demonstration leader, Denise Innes-Spencer, has had a fraught relationship with this fabric in the past but, after working closely with designers who love this fabric, she has learned to love it too.
This course shares the love for crin by teaching 'new' ways of working and using a historic fabric, helping you make your unique designs, and applying skills and techniques, devised and created by Denise Innes-Spencer.
This demonstration is for improvers with an understanding of millinery terms. This course/demo is suitable for more experienced milliners only.
Please Note: This class is not recorded, and there will be no recording to pass on to latecomers or absentees. Recording this class is strictly prohibited.
This is a step-by-step demonstration course, learning how to use crin. Using Denise's unique techniques, she will guide you through construction as you plan, assemble and trim your crinoline after sealing, culminating in the methods of creating your headdress or hat using crinoline.
Students will learn:
- the history of the fabric and types of crin
- which tools to use
- which equipment to purchase and use for sealing crin
- who are the best suppliers to use for tools and crin
- how to use the cotton drawstring
- new types and styles of crin
- how to make a simple but-end seal and a diagonal cut edge
- how to finish crin designs with precision and clean edges
PLEASE NOTE: Details of how to buy supplies, tools and where to get them from will be given when booking. Full notes/patterns (if required) will be e-mailed once you have booked on the course.
This course will be run online using Zoom.
We will run the session using two webcams - one showing the tutor and the other focused on the tutor's hands to give a close-up view of the techniques being used. Step-by-step notes will be sent to students before the course to help them prepare.
Students are not allowed to record the session due to data protection rules. Please see rules of engagement for details.
By booking a place on this course, you agree to the following rules of engagement.
It is each student's responsibility to ensure that they have access to Zoom before the course starts.
Students are responsible for ensuring that their equipment is functioning properly (including audio, video and microphone).
Students are responsible for ensuring that they have a stable internet connection.
All course content remains the intellectual property of The British School of Millinery. Students do not have permission to share any information from the course with any other person either online or offline. The reproduction of printed or verbal information is strictly prohibited. The information taught in this class remains the- intellectual property of Denise Innes-Spencer and The British School of Millinery 2024.
Students do not have permission to record this course. Participants have not signed a data protection agreement and have not given permission for the class to be recorded. To do so would be a breach of data protection laws.
Any personal information shared between the students and the tutor during the course must considered confidential and not shared without the consent of the relevant individual.
Should The British School of Millinery's internet connection become significantly unstable during the course, it will be rescheduled.
The British School of Millinery follow the code of practice for quality learning and we require that digital devices used must have adequate speed. Using this free service you can check the speed and clarity of your own device.
Speed test must be above 10Mbps in order for the class to be seen with close detail. Following the class using a phone connection is not always the best-viewing via zoom. Please do not use mobile phones for observation and especially for participation course due to the lack of clarity on via a mobile phone. This can cause the loss of learning and poor quality of the pictures.